A cracking day at the new Bungsamran

3.5kg rohu
3.5kg rohu

My first day at the new Bungsamran fishing park. As there were no bread skins I started off using rice husks. First fish landed was a Mekong giant catfish of around 22kg. I landed 5 more Mekongs all above 20kg, the largest around 28kg (62 lb). Late afternoon I switched to breadcrumbs and landed three small Siamese carp, the largest weighed in at 4.3kg. I also caught two rohu, the largest tipped the scales at 3.5kg. The rohu and Siamese carp would have been great fun on light tackle but I was tooled up for Mekongs so they were very easily reeled in. A friend caught a 14kg Amazon red tail catfish which put up a good scrap despite being caught on some very strong tackle. A promising start for the new Bungsamran.

Mekong giant catfish
Mekong giant catfish
Siamese carp
Siamese carp
14kg Amazon red tail catfish
14kg Amazon red tail catfish



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